H5P Training

Unlock the full potential of interactive learning with our H5P training at ModernLMS. Whether you’re new to H5P or looking to enhance your skills, our comprehensive training program equips you with the knowledge and tools to create engaging and interactive e-learning content.

Comprehensive H5P Training

Course Presentations

Learn to create multimedia slides with interactive elements like quizzes and videos, allowing learners to test their knowledge. Easily edit presentations in web browsers using a drag-and-drop tool.

Dialog Cards

Learn to design responsive dialog cards, place them effectively for better learning, and follow a step-by-step guide to include hints and answers

Image Hotspots

Learn to create interactive images with clickable hotspots that display pop-up texts, images, videos, and links, enhancing learning through exploration and interactivity.

Interactive Video

Learn to create interactive videos with quizzes, clickable links, and pop-up content like text, images, and videos. Add end-of-video summaries or calls to action to reinforce key points.

Branching Scenario

Learn to create immersive, decision-based scenarios with conditional outcomes and feedback. Enhance engagement by adding multimedia elements like text, images, and videos.

What will you learn from this training?

H5P is an abbreviation for HTML5 Package. H5P aims to make it easy for educators to create interactive content. The types of interactive you will learn to create are:

Course Presentations

Why learn H5P?

Master Interactivity

Our training equips you with the skills to create various interactive elements like presentations, quizzes, and videos, making learning more engaging.

Coding - Free

Learn how to create dynamic content with H5P’s easy-to-use interface, without any need for coding or technical expertise.

Moodle - Friendly

H5P integrates seamlessly with Moodle, enabling educators to easily add interactive content to their courses. We’ll guide you through best practices for smooth implementation.

Begin your training with ModernLMS today!

Contact us today to discuss your training requirements and get a personalized quote. Let’s build a better learning experience together!