Case Closed

JomLaunch 2022 has reached its finale. The experience we felt at the World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur was one to remember. It is an incredible feat that a group of programmers managed to hold an ecstatic event for 4-days at a prestigious venue, especially when you consider JomLaunch is usually a one-day event.
Day 1
JomLaunch had a Cybersecurity conference held by RAWSEC. Azra Rizal Noor Azman’s segment showcased how critical Cybersecurity is in this day and age. On the flip side, the speakers also highlighted how Cyber Scams are becoming more prevalent. Scamming less tech-savvy people becomes easier when you have the anonymity of hiding behind a screen. Thus, all the more reason Cybersecurity should be a priority.
The organizers of JomLaunch 2022 visited our booth as well to greet us on the First Day!

Day 2
JomLaunch had a conference on Open Source. The speakers came from diverse backgrounds and had years of experience in their field. Some points of interest were talks on Blockchain & cryptocurrency. We were fortunate enough to attend a pocket talk on this, where Jessica Chuah from Chainalysis talked about compliance risk and how important it is to protect consumers.
Day 3
The third day of the event was sponsored by RunCloud, which wanted to share its insights on cutting-edge business & technology insight gained from the digital transformation that stems from cloud adoption. Another highlight of the day was seeing Ustaz Nazrey Johani perform live and getting to meet so many wonderful people at our booth.
Day 4
On the final day, the closing consisted of a ceremony of JOMLAUNCH Youth and RunCloud Education as a part of MOSTI’s Techlympics program. Since the launch of the JomLaunch Youth 2022 initiative, over 1,000 people aged 18 to 30, have registered to increase their technical knowledge and skills. On the last day, many students got sponsored by MOSTI to attend the event. They were able to listen to the talks and check out the exhibits. Allowing them to meet people with real-world experiences in the courses they study.