- Certificate of Completion
- 1 Year Access
- Certificate of Completion
- 1 Year Access
Registration & Completion Guidelines
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Pengenalan Program Bengkel My Money & Me
Course Overview
- Learn what financial planning means
- Learn the history of financial planning
- Understand the regulatory requirements
- Learn how to be a financial planner
- Know about the RFP programmes offered by the MFPC
- Understand the concept of financial planning
- Why is financial planning important to you
- The advantages of starting early in financial planning
- Know the methods on how to do a proper financial planning
- Learn to manage your cash flow to ensure there is enough money
- Learn to create a realistic budget
- Learn to prioritise your spending
- Understand your net worth
- Get the whole family involved in your budget
- How to live with manageable debts
- Understanding the problem of debts
- Understanding the concept of loans & learn to manage them
- Learn strategies for dealing with debts
- Money: Working for or against you?
- Smart way to use your credit card
- Debt consolidation
- Ensuring sufficient financial resources for those golden years
- Investment definition
- Risk & return
- Why people invest
- Investment products
- Why you need to invest
- Investment process
- Asset allocation
- Return objectives
- Duty of issuer & adviser
- Understand investment risk
- Investment decision & portfolio management process
Course Outcomes
- Financial Planning Awareness Workshops for Undergraduates, Practitioners and Public “Elevating Financial Planning Literacy of Malaysians”
Why this course is important?
Planning and managing finances for personal and professional purposes is a lifelong process. Learning and acquiring the necessary skills to do so is invaluable. Unfortunately, the level of financial capability and financial literacy of Malaysians is alarmingly low.
Bengkel Pengurusan Kewangan
Mewujudkan Kesedaran
Meningkatkan Pengetahuan
Menguasai Kemahiran
Course Content

Kepentingan Perancangan Kewangan
- Penceramah Dari MFPC

Pengurusan Kewangan Berhemat
- Agensi Kaunseling Dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK)

Skim Amanah Saham Dan Skim Persaraan Swasta Pelaburan Untuk Masa Depan

Pengenalan Tentang Pasaran Modal Malaysia & Inisiatif Investsmart
- Securities Commission

Manfaat Cukai Untuk Kemakmuran Bersama
- Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN)
Who should attend this course?
- Public
- Youth
Collaboration With

An e-Certificate will be awarded once you have completed the course. You can share your Course Certificate online, on printed resumes, CVs, or other documents.
Start Learning Today
- Certificate of Completion
- 1 Year Access
- Course Videos and Readings