
Elevate Education Progress by Supporting Integrity

What does PlagiarismCheck offer?

AI Algorithms

Uses natural language processing to detect and compare text similarities with a broad database to identify potential plagiarism.

Unlimited Checks

Allows users to check text for plagiarism as often as needed, without any restrictions on the number of checks per day.

Excellent Privacy

Ensures user data protection with stringent security measures and confidentiality, safeguarding all submitted content from unauthorized access.

Source Search

Scans and compares text against a wide range of databases and publications to detect potential instances of plagiarism.

Personal Repository

Allows users to store and manage their own documents securely for easy reference and plagiarism checking.


Budget-friendly price points, providing affordable options for various needs and ensuring cost-effective plagiarism detection solutions.

Seamless LMS Integrations With


Google Classroom

Doc add-ons

Sources Checks

Internal Database

Fingerprint Authorship Verification

A unique feature provided by designed to verify the authorship of a text. Here’s how it works:

Get Integrated with ModernLMS

Contact us today to discuss your project requirements and get a personalized quote. Let’s build a better learning experience together!