
BigBlueButton’s intuitive interface seamlessly adapts to an educators needs, whether for hosting office hours, facilitating group work, or conducting full online classes.

What is BigBlueButton?

Built for Engagement

Not your ordinary virtual classroom. Focused on increasing and elevating student engagement.

Purpose & Background

  • Primarily designed foe online education and virtual classrooms.
  • Open sourced platform, making it customizable and accessible. 
  • Encourages student engagement.

Pedagogical Approach

  • Supports interactive learning techniques, encouraging active participation and engagement.
  • Facilitates applied learning by enabling practical exercises and group work.

Key Features

BigBlueButton is built for classrooms not boardrooms.

Multi-User Whiteboard.

A collaborative whiteboard for drawing, annotating, and sharing ideas to encourage creative thinking.

Shared Notes

A collaborative text area for simultaneous writing, akin to Google Docs. It supports Bloom’s Taxonomy by enabling students to create and apply content, with customizable access controls through Lock Settings.

Real-time analytics

Instructors can monitor student engagement, such as participation and attention levels, during live sessions to make informed adjustments.

Smart Slides

BigBlueButton automatically extracts poll questions and video links from your uploaded slides, allowing you to start a poll with a single click. The questions can differ based on specific instructions.

Visual Assessments Tools

BigBlueButton comes with tools like hand raise and emoji reactions to allow real-time feedback from students. This helps educators assess understanding on the spot and answer student questions if any.

Built-In Learning Dashboard

Quickly identify struggling students and provide instant feedback, offering real-time insights without relying on webcams to gauge engagement and learning. With this dashboard educators can quickly figure out these 3 questions:

  • Who is attending your sessions,
  • Who is participating on your sessions, and
  • Who is learning (based on responses to polls).

Get Integrated with ModernLMS

Contact us today to discuss your project requirements and get a personalized quote. Let’s build a better learning experience together!